Location US
Posted on 2010-10-24 at 15:47:46 by Dylan Fulbert
After continued puzzling with Wordpress's functions.php causing a blank page in Admin, fix was to delete blank spaces and line breaks. pft.
Location US
Posted on 2010-10-24 at 09:54:30 by Janina John
Back at work: first task on the agenda, translating a 104 page pdf from eng to french, using google translator. Kill me.
Location US
Posted on 2010-10-24 at 08:31:56 by Nikki Drummond
Stop drone attacks immediately: Parliamentary Committee
Location US
Posted on 2010-10-23 at 17:45:14 by Akinyi Deemer
Looks like flitting between the @ my name and home pages is erasing most recent posts. Including other peoples posts.
Location US
Posted on 2010-10-23 at 16:17:06 by Agafya Patrick
I just realized that all I've posted about on trainertuts.com has been about TechSmith. Hm. Better vary my content a bit, eh?
Location US
Posted on 2010-10-23 at 14:12:40 by Sienna Brenna
yes there are internet cafes listed in the yellow pages malaysia online thank goodness
Location US
Posted on 2010-10-23 at 05:16:32 by Cletus Mia
Fuji posted to lab, fingers crossed.
Location US
Posted on 2010-10-22 at 22:00:08 by Cordell Hanna
Somehow I managed to pick a dog that doesn't like to take walks. I'll carry him one way & he'll run all the way home. LOL
Location US
Posted on 2010-10-22 at 21:21:01 by Mervyn Lyndsay
I'm profoundly sick of open standard hypocrits. The same people that bitch about standards in web pages go out and _
Location US
Posted on 2010-10-22 at 14:19:14 by Shane Owen
Reviewing a new live story about Sept. 11th posted by Yvonne Healy. A true master of words! Powerful story..."Two Sides of a Coin".