Location US
Posted on 2010-11-23 at 20:21:37 by Satchel Bertil
"More From Barack's Not So Excellent European Adventure" posted on www.musingmisanthrope.com
Location US
Posted on 2010-11-23 at 20:14:46 by Staci Gail
Guy next to me (wearing a suit) is screaming into his cell phone that "MySpace and "The PageBook" are the future. Not a typo.
Location US
Posted on 2010-11-23 at 19:42:18 by Jonah Zabel
Looks like flitting between the @ my name and home pages is erasing most recent posts. Including other peoples posts.
Location US
Posted on 2010-11-23 at 16:43:17 by Caj Kerman
Is back to working on a RIPPLE institute inc. project proposal (3 page limit...REALLY?) and reviewing a grant proposal. Much to do.
Location US
Posted on 2010-11-22 at 03:23:03 by Alfreda Janella
i'm so lazy i don't want to log into wolf tracks because that means I'll have to change my password just to see if my grade is posted!
Location US
Posted on 2010-11-21 at 19:52:49 by Jojo Tiffany
Twitter has a yellow pages folks! New to me, check it out: www.twellow.com
Location US
Posted on 2010-11-21 at 05:51:56 by Anna Pamella
Students Face Steep Curve in Landing Private Loans
Location US
Posted on 2010-11-21 at 04:04:11 by Abram Irenka
i posted what im watching on my blog conde april 16 please correct my grade thank you much
Location US
Posted on 2010-11-21 at 03:21:56 by Jolie Tatiana
reorganised my iPhone dashboard, now there's more pages with less icons
Location US
Posted on 2010-11-21 at 03:00:45 by Krystine Gulzar
I finished the prologue!! OMG! Impossible! It only ended up being 10 pages long. That's not excessive, right?